Get thousands of your customers selling for you with authentic user-generated content. Our platform makes it easy to generate amazing amounts, with speed and without the cost.
The Interact platform effortlessly generates authentic content from your existing customers
Image based Reviews
Image-based reviews are vital for businesses as they provide visual proof of sales experiences and product quality enhancing credibility and influencing potential customers
Full UGC
We enable fully UGC from your best customers including their imagery when using your products and detailed, qualified reviews during ownership.
Sales Experience Reviews
Capture the customer sentiment at the point of sale in a sharable format that allows this valuable feedback to be shared with staff, management and future customers.
Product reviews
Encourage and enable your customers to validate the quality of your products, and influence purchasing decisions with detailed product reviews at key milestones.
Display on all channels
Easily publish and share your powerful UGC across all channels so it's prominent at all points in your buyer journey and sales funnel.
Sharable Customer Content
Create sharable authentic content that translates into customer-led growth for your business.