Are Net Promoter Scores still relevant today?

While over 20 years old, Net Promoter Scores (NPS) are still widely used for their simplicity to gauge customer loyalty. After 20 years however most things, including consumers change and move on.

07 November 2024

What is NPS?

Wikipedia tells us that NPS is simply “a market research metric that is based on a single survey question asking respondents to rate the likelihood that they would recommend a company, product, or a service to a friend or colleague “.

NPS divides respondents into three categories:

  1. Promoters (9-10 rating)
  2. Passives (7-8 rating)
  3. Detractors (6 or lower rating)

The results are primarily used as an indicator for customer loyalty.

The net promoter score is calculated by the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Current NPS characteristics that may indicate an aging approach to handling and leveraging off customer loyalty​

  1. Poor response rates: As email survey rates decline so does the quality and reliability of the NPS data collected
  2. Shallow and limited insights: NPS provides a high-level and simplistic view of customer sentiment. It does not provide enough to address specific issues or opportunities for improvement
  3. Different verticals: NPS scores can vary significantly between industry types and geo locations, this can make results difficult to interpret.

Do you still use NPS in your business, or are you considering alternatives?

Despite the considerations above many entities continue to use NPS often taking a hybrid approach and extending it with other metrics and qualitative feedback to gain a better understanding of their customer loyalty but more importantly their experience.

While NPS provides a snapshot of customer loyalty, reviews can offer a more comprehensive and actionable insight into customer sentiment.

How reviews can have a positive on impact sales

  1. Detailed Feedback: Reviews reveal what customers like or dislike. They are genuine and can assist businesses in improvement and growth
  2. Social Proof: Positive reviews act as genuine endorsements from customers, which can build trust and increase your conversion rates
  3. Customer Engagement: Responding to reviews shows that you value customer feedback, fostering a sense of community and loyalty
  4. Advanced review platforms can also monitor and assess customer experiences in real time meaning businesses can act appropriately in a timely manner

By leveraging customer reviews, businesses can easily obtain deeper insights, build trust, and ultimately drive more sales compared to relying solely on NPS.

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